Saturday, June 11, 2016

This is a strange place.  We’re treated like adults, we’re given free time, the cadre is carte blanche when it comes to their standards.  A few weeks ago I would have never expected these freedoms; they would have seemed like traps set up by drill sergeants to get us to fail (and failure leads to smokings).  The crazy thing is, we haven’t even been smoked yet, so it’s beginning to not feel like a trap! Expectations are high, and as long as you can handle those expectations and not flaunt your misdeeds the cadre leave us to study and train by ourselves.  As they say, this is a gentleman's course, and as long as we act like future Army officers we’ll be treated as such.  It’s an odd transition but I’m getting use to it! I still expect Drill Sergeant Tuttle to creep out of the shadows and flip my bed for my covers not being tight enough, and while this hasn’t happened yet, I’ll keep one eye open.
I’m expecting an easy Saturday today. We started out the day with some circuit training lead by OC Winnenberg, a short badass crossfitting chick, one of the two females in the company looking to branch infantry (and in doing so would become one of the first female infantry officers to come out of OCS).  Since I haven’t had any real PT since a week before basic ended so my legs are absolutely shot!  For breakfast I stuffed my face with relatively healthy snacks. So far today we’ve had a class on Troop Leading Procedures, which I expect to continue until lunch, and then after lunch we’ll probably have more classes until dinner. I’m excited for an easy Sunday tomorrow where I’m spending the majority of the day shaking myself to stay awake in class. Luckily  next week we start land navigation which I’m very excited for; of course, we’re also starting our history class, which is supposed to lead to the most recycles throughout our course, so they should balance out.  Here’s to a great weekend, you have a great one!

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